Monday, January 24, 2011

Father Daughter Dance

This is late getting out, I just got the information today!!! 
Father /Daughter dance at th OA Community Center is February 19th at 6.30 $5 per person
If you are going I need you payment by the February 2nd meeting. I will have more details and I will add them to the blog

Friday, January 21, 2011

Next Meeting February 2nd

Our next meeting the girls should bring in a collection that they have. They will be asked to share why they collect this and something about the collection.
I hope everyone is using the blog for information. I have posted the snack schedule so if your not sure please check on the site . If it is forgotten they will just not have snack for that day and I will cycle you through sooner.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cookie Rally

Even though the weather was not on our side the girls had fun at the cookie rally. Here are some pictures from the event today.

Also Mrs Ciliberto has the cookie order forms if you did not get it today she will be contacting you..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cookie Time

Mrs. Ciliberto and I went for our training today for cookies. Sales begin as of the 14th. Our meeting isn't until the 19th. We will have the forms at the cookie rally on Saturday, if you are not going to be there please contact me so you can sign the permission slip and pick up your packets. The sooner we start the better. The girls want to go to Great Adventure (not the definite place we are going) but its a goal they have set.There is also a Cookie club, they can go online and send emails to sell cookies. If you want them to have a user name and password let me know and I will add them to the site. Im hoping that we will all do our best and sell as many cookies as possible. If for some reason you do not participate the troop will get less money. So please try your best!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its Cookie Time

Mrs Ciliberto and I are going for our cookie training on Friday!!!Once I get the packets together I will get them to you. At our meeting yesterday the girls went over the rules for selling cookies and set some goals for themselves and the troop. #1 rule is safety! They came up with some ideas on what they wanted the money to go toward. I understand things are tough for everyone but we would like the girls to make every effort to sell cookies. It doesn't have to be hundreds of boxes but at least 25 or more. They understand it's not fair not to sell any and then expect to go on trips . For some reason if you can't participate please feel free to contact me.
I will have more information after the training meeting tomorrow.

Pictures from January 5th meeting

Schedule for 2011

Im going to try and conserve on paper this year. So please check this blog for upcoming events, changes in schedule, snack schedule ect. Your always welcome to call me or email me if you have a question.

January 19th Friends are Fun Try it (snack Victoria)
February2nd Hobbies and Collections( bring in favorite collection from home)Snack Brooklyn & Kaitlyn
February 16- Caring and sharing (snack Emily L)

You are more than welcome to drop snacks and juiceboxes the day before at my home.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

I would like to wish all mt special girls and their families a very happy and healthy New  Year!!!
I look forward to learning and having a lot of fun this year. We are planning on a great year and many more try-its.
Our next meeting is scheduled for January 5th. BUT they have changed the locks on the Community Center! I have called the Recreation Coordinator and they must be off this week, I hope to get the new key before Wednesday. If for some reason I do not we will have to wait until our next meeting January 19th. I will call if its cancelled.
Thank you and Have a great New Year!